

   About work package
Coordinator of INVENT is JUST which is responsible for the overall management of the project and the partnership. JUST will be responsible for its implementation according to ERASMUS+ rules, managing the budget, formulating methodology and tools for project implementation, allocating tasks, issuing working plans and guidelines, monitoring progress according to schedule, issuing of reports, organization of meetings and contacts with the Commission. The structure of the project management will consists of: Project Coordinator (PC), Management Team (MT), Project Steering Committee (StC), Scientific Team (SC), and Quality Committee (QC), in addition to Training and Technical Group (TTG). An external auditor will be assigned by each partner to guarantee the compliance with EU regulations and project budget line. The MT will be composed of the PC and the administrative service, a Monitoring Expert, and Finance Expert. PC will supervise and coordinate all activities, ensuring that all partners are working towards the same objectives; contractually, technically and administratively and strictly collaborating with the Management Team. The PC will ensure that all partners’ contributions meet the Work Plan expectations. The PC will be responsible for: representing the consortium towards the EC, 
ensuring effective flow of information between partners, ensuring the implementation of the agreed action plan to the agreed standards and deadlines, ongoing evaluation of project activities and reporting on project progress to the EU, and defining and identifying the project deliverables for the Commission from the inputs received by participants. Responsible for strategic decisions, as well as for the authorization of purchases will be the Steering Committee (StC). Members of the StC will be the project coordinator and representatives from the rest of the partners. The StC will meet twice a year in order to discuss the project progress ensuring its completion according to the schedule and its objectives. The supervision of scientific and technical activities so that they meet the project’s objectives and a high level of quality will be assigned to the Scientific and Supervising Committee (SC) where experts from all partners will participate. The SC will report its progress to the coordinator.
The QC will be responsible for developing a system for quality, monitoring, and evaluation. The QC will be chaired by an EU partner, and 2 members from JO and two members from EU partners. The preparation and carrying out of the training activities will be assigned to the Training & Technical Group (TTG) in which representatives of all partners will participate. TTG will report its progress also to the coordinator.
Permanent and effective communication with all partners will be ensured with the use of a restricted access area of the project website where all project documents will be uploaded. Communication will take place also through face to face meetings, Skype meetings, e-mails and telephone contacts. In case of conflicts, the coordinator will make decisions after discussing the matter with all partners. If the conflict is of strategic importance for the successful completion of the project it will be brought to the StC which will take the final decision after voting, with the vote of the coordinator counting double if necessary for achieving majority.

The work package leader



7.1. Organizing the Kick-off Meeting and other consortium meetings
7.2. Establishment of management and operational structures
7.3. Establishment of Training and Technical Group (TTG)
7.4. Hiring External Auditors
 7.5. Reports​

"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of INVENT Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."