About the workpackage
The basic result of project activity is the establishment and equipment of the centers for transfer of innovations (CTI) at Jordanian universities and departments at non-academic organizations. Their activity will be to maintain businessmen with the innovations for introduction into the process of production. The centers will be created at 5 universities (JUST, UJ, MU, PSUT). The establishment of departments of these centers are planned at one non-profit Applied Research Fund (ASRF). These offices will be equipped for functioning of the centers and their departments. Work on equipment of the offices will be carried out within the first 4 months. 2 staff members competent in IT will be responsible for equipment of the offices of CTI.
The work package leader​

3.1 Establishment of center offices and departments
3.2 Hardware equipment at the Centers
3.3 Installation and adjustment of software
                                                                                                  Expected Outcomes or click here

"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of INVENT Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."