Blank Landscape.docx
DES-Deliverable Evaluation 1.1.docx
DES-Deliverable Evaluation 2.1.docx
INVENT_Work packages monitoring.xlsx
Leipzig meeting responses.xlsx
QF-CCE CTI Consultation Evaluation Sheet rev0.1.docx
QF-DES Deliverable Evaluation Sheet rev0.1 (1).docx
QF-DES Deliverable Evaluation Sheet rev0.1.docx
QF-DTM Document template rev0.1.docx
QF-DWQ Database and website questionnaire rev0.1.docx
QF-EEC Evaluation Sheet for the Establishment of CTIs rev0.1.docx
QF-EES Event Evaluation Sheet rev0.1 (1).docx
QF-EES Event Evaluation Sheet rev0.1.docx
QF-PQA-Project Quality Assessment rev0.1.docx
QF-QFT Quality Form Template rev0.1.docx
QF-STE Staff evaluation of host organisations rev0.1 (1).docx
QF-STE Staff evaluation of host organisations rev0.1.docx
QF-TES Training-Consultation Session Evaluation Sheet rev0.1.docx
QF-WPM Work Packages Monitoring rev0.1.docx
QPM-Quality Plan Manual (WP5.2) 0.1.docx
"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of INVENT Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."