| | She graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Palermo in 1988. Since 1991 she has been working in the field of planning, management, coordination and administration of initiatives funded directly by the European Union (COMETT, Leonardo da Vinci, Innovative Actions ESF, MED, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme , 7th Framework Programme for R&D , ENPI CBC MED ) or through the Structural Funds. She developed a specific expertise in technical assistance to the design and drafting of project proposals in the context of European calls and in the construction and coordination of transnational partnerships, in Europe and in the Euro-Mediterranean area. She worked both in the field of university-enterprise cooperation and, more recently , in the field of creation of innovative enterprises and technological transfer. On behalf of the University of Palermo she has dealt in the past 7 years with fund raising, training and support to Community projects planning, management and reporting. On behalf of the Sicilian Region she worked on the evaluation of programs and projects. She carried out several training and work experiences abroad. | | ARCA | ARCA | | | She graduated in Statistical Science at the University of Palermo in 1991 and she has a PhD in Territorial Analysis and a Master Course certificate in Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage achieved at the Tor Vergata University in Rome. Since 1992 she has been working in European Union project planning, management and coordination especially in the field of culture, tourism and territorial development, financed through European Programs or Structural Funds. She has achieved a wide experience of research in the field of territorial development and teaching mainly on Project Cycle Management and on European Funds. She has worked for different private and public bodies and founded the Association "La Linea della Palma". She has lived for long periods in England and in Spain, and she fluently speaks English and Spanish | | ARCA | ARCA | | | Prof. Fahmi Abu A-Rub, Professor of chemical and biochemical engineering, former Dean of Research at JUST and former Key Expert at the EMUNI University-Slovenia, the project coordinator of the INVENT project. Prof. Abu Al-Rub is/was partner in 11 EU projects (1 EPI, 4 TEMPUS Projects, and 6 Erasmus+) with a budget exceeding 13,000,000 EURO. Prof. Abu Al-Rub was the key expert and coordinator to establish the first Master's Program in the World on De-Pollution of the Mediterranean which was supposed to be hosted by three European Universities. Prof. Abu Al-Rub has reformed the Deanship of Research at JUST to establish the TTO and externally funded office to manage and secure external funds. Prof. Abu Al-Rub was the Vice Dean of Engineering at JUST from 2006-2009. His responsibilities included quality and accreditation of all engineering programs at JUST, curriculum development, and budget. Prof. Abu Al-Rub has supervised the preparation of all Engineering Departments at JUST and the University of Jordan for ABET. He supervised the revision of the curricula of all departments to meet ABET requirements. He has active research in Engineering Education, Curricula Reforming, Environment, Renewable Energy, Biofuels, and Wastewater Treatment. He has more than 80 publications on Education, Environment, and Wastewater Treatment, and renewable energy. He has active research in Environment, Renewable Energy, Biofuels, and Wastewater Treatment. He has more than 80 publications on Environment, and Wastewater Treatment, and renewable energy | | JUST | JUST | | | Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh is a professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department. He received his Ph.D. degree from Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany in 2001. He organized and participated in many workshops, seminars and conferences in the field of Energy, Renewable Energy and Green building. He is also an expert in the Field of Energy Regulation. He is Certified Energy Manager CEM, and Certified Carbon Reduction Manager CRM. He is the local coordinator for Tempus project on the establishment of Master program on sustainability and the renewable energy and the grant holder for tempus project establishment of a master program in environmental engineering and climate change, in addition to other 4 tempus projects. Also He is a coordinator of Erasmus + project in the field of capacity building of higher education entitled “Modernization of teaching methodologies in higher education: EU experience for Jordan and Palestinian territory / METHODS”. Also he is the contact person for 6 Erasmus+ projects at UJ. He is very well-known in the EU project management | | UJ | UJ | | | Dr. Mohannad Aljarrah earned a Professional Doctorate in Engineering from Twente University, The Netherlands and PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering/material science and nanotechnology from Akron University in Akron, OH, after which he worked as a post-doctoral research associate in the chemistry department at Louisiana State University. Dr. Aljarrah worked as a research scientist with General Electric/Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Corporation in the specialty chemicals division, USA, and as a lead scientist with PURAC/CSM in the Netherlands. Currently, he is working as an assistant professor of chemical engineering at Jordan University of Science and technology. His main research interests are in the field of synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for renewable energy applications and advanced separation technologies. He is also active in the field of entrepreneurship training for Jordanian youth and active volunteer with INJAZ, a leading solution provider linking the public, private, and civil society sectors to bridge the skills gap between the educational system and the changing needs of the labor market | | JUST | JUST | | | Prof Ahmed Elbetieha is the vice president of Jordan University of Science and Technology. He served as the head of the department of Applied Biological Sciences, a vice dean of the faculty of Science and Arts, assistant president, Dean for faculty of Graduate Studies, and Dean of Faculty of Science and Arts,he is an active member in several editorial boards in reputed journals,He is currently engaged in applying quality assurance in his university to become a world-class university. He has a good experience in working as a team with local and international experts in projects related to higher education | | JUST | JUST | | | Prof.Mohammad Hamdan Promoted to the rank of full professor in 1995 and worked as Engineering sector Advisor at Higher council for science and technology. Dean of engineering at the University of Jordan (1997-2001), Dean of engineering at Hashemite University (2001-2003). On unpaid leave from University of Jordan and appointed as Dean of Engineering at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan (2009- 2014). Starting from September of 2014, he is back to University of Jordan. He published over 130 in international journals and conferences most of which in the field of renewable energy. His research interests are renewable energy, alternative fuels, combustion and pollution and heat transfer. Since 1985, Prof. M. Hamdan has been involved (in addition to teaching energy courses) in research in the field of renewable energy and publishing numerous articles, most of which on energy. He has also been involved into Tempus projects in the field of renewable energy, environment and climate change
| | UJ | UJ | | | Dr. Abdelraheem Abualbasal has spent 17 years in the United States where he studied and co-founded several tech startup companies. He obtained his bachelor degree from Eastern Michigan University in Business Administration and his master’s degree in Science Information Systems. He received his doctorate in Management in Information Technology from Lawrence Technological University. His Research interest in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, cloud computing and new generation of web technology. He served as the department head of Business Administration and Social Media Marketing at Princess Sumaya University for Technology. He is currently the Executive Director of Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship | | PSUT | PSUT | | | Dr George Makrides is the Quality Manager of the PV technology Laboratory of the University of Cyprus. He has received his PhD by the University of Cyprus in 2012 and the MPhil degree in Engineering at Cambridge University in 2004, where he also received the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust scholarship. Prior to this he had received the BEng Honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Queen Mary University of London (First class Honours). During his undergraduate degree he had received various awards for academic excellence. He has published in international journals and conference proceedings and has participated successfully in various local and European research funded projects. His work on the outdoor performance of PV technologies throughout the years, has been the initiation for the establishment of the PV outdoor infrastructure and testing centre in Cyprus for many manufacturers such as Honeywell, Q Cells, Tel-Solar, TSMC and others | | UCY | UCY | | | Dr. Hadjipanayi is a research scientist at the Photovoltaic Technology group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Cyprus working on the investigation of the optoelectronic characteristics and photovoltaic performance of novel solar cell devices and her latest work focuses on nanostructured silicon. She has received her BSc in Physics (2001) from the University of Cyprus and her DPhil (PhD) in Condensed Matter Physics (2006) from the University of Oxford. Her employment record includes a Post?Doctoral Research Associate position at the Quantum Information Processing Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (QIP IRC), Department of Physics, University of Oxford (2006?2009) and an Associate Research Scientist post at the Energy, Environment and Water Research Centre of the Cyprus Institute (2009-2012). Her research interests lie within the area of fundamental and applied physics of novel materials which are promising for future energy-efficient technological applications, especially in the field of solar energy
| | UCY | UCY | | | Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou has joined the Photovoltaics (PV) group at the University of Cyprus in 2014. After receiving a Fulbright scholarship in 1992, Dr. Anastassiou headed to the University of Iowa where he studied Electrical Engineering and Physics and graduated with highest honors in 1996. Dr. Anastassiou continued his studies at Princeton University in the Electrical Engineering Department focusing on optoelectronics. After obtaining his PhD in 2001 Dr. Anastassiou gained considerable non-academic experience in research and development, manufacturability, quality and regulatory compliance through his work at OmniGuide Inc., a Cambridge Massachusetts optical fiber based start-up company that was spun out of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the recipient of seven US patents with another twelve pending. He is currently teaching two Electrical Engineering under-graduate University courses and is the PV group’s manager on four Erasmus+ programs on capacity building in the field of higher education for renewable energy and energy efficiency (REEE). There Dr. Anastassiou is heaviy involved in aspects of quality, capacity building, development of teaching modules, internationalization, entrepreneurship and socio economic impact of REEE | | UCY | UCY | | | Omar has more than 15 years of experience in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation policies, planning, implementation and support. He holds a Master’s degree in Irrigation Engineering from Utah State University and a Bachelor degree in Agriculture/ Soil and Irrigation. He worked as a research associate and teaching assistant at Texas A&M university between the years 2002-2007. In 2008, he joined the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST) as the PMU director for the EU funded project “Support to Research and Technological development and Innovation Initiatives in Jordan SRTD” which aimed at developing Jordan’s scientific and technological capacity with a focus on the use of RTD results by the industrial and SME sector and accelerated the integration of Jordan into the European Research Area. Late in year 2009 he was appointed as the director for the department of policies and scientific projects management at the HCST, responsible for the development of the National STI policies and Strategies for Jordan, and the management of the funded R&D project by HCST. In 2012, he was appointed as the director for the International cooperation department at HCST, and the PIO director for stage II of the SRTD project, targeting applied research, commercialization and Technology Transfer support. In addition, Omar coordinated the FP 7 EU-JordanNet II project, and is participating in many projects funded by the European Commission namely: Med Spring, ERANETMED, INVENT, 4 PRIMA and others | | HCST | HCST | | | Prof. Haddad is currently a professor of mechanical engineering at Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST) in Jordan, Appointed as Dean of Scientific Research at JUST since 2013,he also Served as the chairman of the department of mechanical engineering, the founding chairman of the department of Aeronautical engineering and the vice dean of the college of engineering at JUST and reviewer for many international journals and a member of the editorial board for the Transport in Porous Media journal | | JUST | JUST | | | Dr. Al-Abdallat is currently the manager of the National Program "Faculty for Factory” (FFF) since 2008 which aims at promoting an actual form of collaboration between academia and industry throughproviding a structural help to assist Engineering faculty members from one side and the industry from the other side, inside of that and he is Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Jordan, he has also served as a Director for the “Outreach Consultation Unit” at University of Jordan where he participated in enhancing the local industrial development and upgrading the performance of industrial enterprises through the utilization of technical and managerial Engineering concepts and applications, continuing education, training and consultancy services. He is currently Board member of Center for Economic & Industrial Studies ( Jordan Chamber of Industry(JCI) ) Main goals of the center: Help the industrial sector by conducting studies and research related to the national industry, Collect, classify and update information and statistics, study legislations and to draft laws and regulations relevant to industry and economy and Provide technical advice
| | UJ | UJ | | | Prof.Abeer Al-Bawab is the dean for the Deanship of Academic Research (DAR) and a professor at the chemistry department.She received her Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from Clarkson University (CU), USAin 1997.Preceding 2014, she worked as a director for a research center located at the heart of The University of Jordan, Hamdi Mango Center for Scientific Research (HMCSR), for six continues years (2008 – 2014). During that time, Prof. Al-Bawab had set her eyes toward achieving her mission of restructuring the center as a whole and relocating its objectives and responsibilities. Consequently, she took the initiative to bring many ideas into action by obtaining many grants and funds for many research and capacity building projects.Hosting many researchers as well as graduate, undergraduate and high school students inside the center. What’s more, the building capacity was enlarged for employees and students by construction workshops for their training. Never the less she was involved in regulating the usage of scientific instruments, finally but most important establishment the center labs and transferring technology office inside the center | | UJ | UJ | | | Dr.Hamaideh is the Director for the Innovation Center and Assistant researcher at the Water, Energy and EnvironmentCenter (WEEC) at the University of Jordan.She received her Ph.D. degree from BTU-Cottbus, Germany in 2005. Her Ph.D. dissertation is in Capillary Break System for Improved Water Harvesting and Subsurface Water Storage in Arid and Semiarid Regions. Her master’s degree is from International Institute for Infrastructures Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE), Delft, Netherlands, Master of Water and Environmental Resources Management. Dr. Hamaideh fields of interest are inEnterpreunrship, innovation,water harvesting, EIA, resources management, desertification and environmental management | | | | | | Miss Al-Aqqad is a research assistant and technical manager at the Water Energy and Environment Center (WEEC) of the University of Jordan. She obtained the Master degree in Chemistry from The University of Jordan in Amman-Jordan, 2005. Al-Aqqad’s research interests are in evaluating and monitoring water and environmental organic and inorganic pollutants. In addition to her tasks Miss Aqqad was assigned as a coordinator assistant on the project “MAster program of Environmental engineering and Climate change “(MAPEC), which is an EU-funded project through Tempus program that supports the modernization of higher education in the EU’s and partner countries. Also Miss Aqqad has rolled in other Tempus projects and FP7 project (Marie Curie Actions People, International Research Staff Exchange Scheme) were The University of Jordan is also a partne | | UJ | UJ | | | Eng. Al amoush holding the position of CEO of AULE. Over the past (14) years, Eng.Al amoush has acquired valuable technical and managerial experience at the public and private sectors in the areas of International Cooperation, Project Evaluation, Policy Advising, Business Development, Education Organizations Management, Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Financial planning, Decentralization, Researches Implementation, Executive Education, Local Economic and Enterprises Development, Municipal and Governorates Development, Governance, Employment, Democracy, Poverty Alleviation, Project Management, M&E, Sustainability Management and Urban Planning
| | AULE | AULE | | | Mr. Dimosthenis Papakonstantinou Administrator of recently created (2012) CRE.THI.DEV, has worked in ELKEDE, Technology & Design Centre (an RTO under the authority of the Ministry of Development), as its Managing Director (1985-2004) and as Board Advisor (2004-2009), As an active member of local administration since 2003, he has gained experience in introducing, organizing and executing projects for the social, environmental and economic benefit of the local communities. As member/President for 20 years of several consulting committees and working groups of the Ministries of National Economy and Development and of the Organization for SMEs, he has gained experience in the definition and elaboration of specific measurements for the realization of framework programs at national, regional and sectoral level
| | CRE.THI.DEV | CRE.THI.DEV | | | Miss Maya Dimitriadou holds a BSc degree in Biology and has been working in CRETHIDEV since 2012 as Project Manager and has participated in the drafting of several ERASMUS+ proposals. From 1991 to 2012 she worked in ELKEDE, Technology & Design Centre. During this period, she participated in SPRINT projects for Clean Technologies and Quality Assurance in the Leather Industry as well as in the development of Quality Systems in footwear industries, managed the project “Improvement and development of the infrastructure of ELKEDE” for the Quality Department, trained the personnel of SMEs on “CE Marking for PPE”. As Quality Manager (1994-2011) of the Accredited, in 2001, Testing Laboratory of ELKEDE, she participated in the development and implementation of the Quality System. As Certification Officer of ELKEDE for CE marking of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (1996-2003) she was responsible for the operation of the Office and its preparation for notification
| | CRE.THI.DEV | CRE.THI.DEV | | | Miss Papakonstantinou holds a MA Degree in Publishing from LCC University, United Kingdom, a BA Degree in Interdisciplinary Human Studies from University of Bradford and a Diploma in Special Education from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her current position today is in CRE.THI.DEV., dealing with projects for local development and employment, Erasmus strategic partnership and Erasmus Knowledge Alliance. She has also worked in the past as an external consultant in projects related to training and social studies for National Technical University of Athens, Hellenic Organization of Small-Medium Enterprises and Vocational Training Centre of Athens Prefecture | | | | | | Beneitone is the Director of the Tuning Academy at the University of Deusto since 2013 and he has a large experience running several international projects (ALFA, TEMPUS, Erasmus Mundus). He has been working in Tuning process since 2001. In relation to Latin America, he was project manager of Tuning Latin America since 2004 and coordinator of Erasmus Mundus Lot 18 ARBOPEUE. He was Advisor of Mercosur in the design of a Mobility Programme for the region in 2010-2013. Fields of expertise in (inter)national higher education: Educational Policy, International Education, Tuning Process, Curriculum Development and Student Workload and credits
| | UD | UD | | | Since 2011 Ivan Dyukarev works as Project Manager at the Tuning Academy, University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain). Previously he worked as an Evaluation and Monitoring Officer of the European Training Foundation (Turin, Italy), Academic Assessor of Tempus Programme at European Training Foundation (Turin, Italy) and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Brussels, Belgium). He was also Deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations as well as full professor in Human Physiology and Associate Professor in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk, Russia). He has been a visiting fellow at the Teachers College, Columbia University (New York, USA) and University of Missouri (Columbia, USA). He is a Fulbright of the International Education Administrators Programme at the Institute of International Education (New York, USA). He holds a Master in Biology and Chemistry, a Master in Psychology and a PhD in Human Physiology from Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk, Russia) | | | | | | Baptista, is a chemical engineer with a PhD in Biotechnology (area of Food Processing). He is Director of P&B. Currently he works with food companies providing consulting, auditing and training services mainly in the area of quality, food safety and innovation. He had coordinated a study for development and expansion of Incubator of Instituto Pedro Nunes in Coimbra (Portugal). Previously he has been Director of Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, S.A. and Head of Food Technology Centre of College of Biotechnology of Portuguese Catholic University - a technological centre of interface between Academia and Industry in Portugal. As the Head of the Food Technology Centre he was responsible for the global coordination of the R&D activities/services to agro-food companies and for the participation in national and European R&D projects. He is author of book in area of innovation: “Innovation in Products, Processes and Organisations” and co- author of books “Innovation and International Development of Enterprises” and SMEs Challenges within Knowledge Economy. He had participate in several TEMPUS projects that aimed to promote the partnership and establishment of interface structures between universities and enterprises such as FOODLINKS, UNIVENT and EQIWBC projects
| | P&B | P&B | | | Maria Beatriz Marques, is a chemical engineer with a specialization in Quality Management. She is a Managing-Partner of P&B: Currently she works with companies providing consulting, auditing and training services mainly in the area of quality and innovation. He had been involved in the implementation of several quality and innovation management system in companies. She had participated in TEMPUS projects that aimed to promote the partnership and establishment of interface structures between universities and enterprises such as the FOODLINKS and EQIWBC project | | P&B | P&B | | | Sofia Papakonstantinou holds a MA Degree in Publishing from LCC University, United Kingdom, a BA Degree in Interdisciplinary Human Studies from University of Bradford and a Diploma in Special Education from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her current position today is in CRE.THI.DEV., dealing with projects for local development and employment, Erasmus strategic partnership and Erasmus Knowledge Alliance. She has also worked in the past as an external consultant in projects related to training and social studies for National Technical University of Athens, Hellenic Organization of Small-Medium Enterprises and Vocational Training Centre of Athens Prefecture | | CRE.THI.DEV | CRE.THI.DEV | | | Klaus Hänßgen is a Professor for Information Systems and Multimedia Technologies. Very experienced in E-learning, ICT development and application, Distance e-learning, e-services development and leading students to highly noted innovative ICT developments for educational applications. He was the coordinator in 7 Tempus projects, especially also projects for ICT application in education and teaching. He was working together with partners of several research institutions and industry on e-service projects, computer and network projects and content development, funded by German and Saxony ministries, research and educational institutions and by private companies.
| | HTWK | HTWK | | | Dr.Qashi is an IT-Manager for German Medical Solutions (GMS) in Leipzig (Germany) and Research Assistants at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK-Leipzig) Received B.S. Degree in Mathematics from University of Mutah and German Diploma and Ph.D. in Computer technologies from University of Leipzig. Involved in different international projects. Performs research in area of computer networks, quality of service and routing protocols. Experience with IT projects, e-learning systems, development and restructuring of computer networks. During his study he was using many contacts to enterprises for applying the results of his work. During his studies, research and teaching, he developed and used ICT for efficient performance in universities. He is Research Assistants at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. He is also an editorial board member of four academic journals | | HTWK | HTWK | | | Marianna works as a financial project manager for an international EU TEMPUS project at the HTWK, she has Received Bachelor of Economic Science (Business Administration and Social science) from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig). She involved in different international projects. | | HTWK | HTWK | | | Penelope is a dynamic Jordanian entrepreneur, who has successfully founded and led a biotech SME in Jordan. With one cosmetic line, in the market, she has an extensive experience in launching, directing, planning, tracking, and managing companies. She has proven ability in leading teams and managing companies in fast-changing environments. She has attended several national and international conferences as an influential speaker and entrepreneur. She aims to increase innovative biotech and scientific research awareness in Jordan and the Middle East, and influence women and young professionals all around the world to become leading entrepreneurs and business leaders
| | ASRF | ASRF |